Ever wonder what to do with those huge radishes that seem to want to grow above the ground? Did you know you can cook them? I’ve tried steaming them and serving with salt, pepper, and butter–yummy! Sort of like a mild turnip. And they can be sliced thinly and sauteed with other fresh veggies for […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
On this perfect-weather Thanksgiving Day, while I rest up before the marauding hordes arrive, I am reflecting on how very grateful I am for all the wonderful things that have happened at the Garden this year and the dedicated people who made them all possible. Thanks to community leaders and their supporters, who worked tirelessly […]
What’s cooking? Turnips!
Root crops are one of the fall garden’s bounties. On a recent trip to the garden, I harvested about 3 lbs of turnips and had to do some recipe research to decide how to fix them. I not only had a big bowl of the roots, there was a sink-full of the nutritious greens. As a transplanted southerner, […]
Over 100 Attend First Annual Fall Festival
We had a great turnout (over 100 people) in spite of the weather…and scrumptious food that everyone raved about! (Beware: Becky wants to open a restaurant in Westbury and she thinks she has found her chefs….) The fact that the mayor and her entourage stayed for over an hour to eat, tour, and talk after […]
Join Us At The Fall Festival November 15
Saturday, November 15, we will celebrate a great year for Westbury Community Garden. Ownership of our 7-acre site has been transferred to the City of Houston and Westbury Community Garden’s future is secure! Join WCG gardeners, city officials and partner organizations in celebrating the saving of WCG for land for years to come. There will […]
Plan Your Fall Garden – Get Seeds Now
Seed packets are ready for purchase! Do you have yours yet? The seeds have been chosen by gardeners who have years of experience growing in the Houston climate. There are 40 varieties of vegetables in this year’s seed packet. The cost is $12. If purchased individually the seeds would cost over $100. In addition to […]
Work Day 8/23
What a great day! In spite of the heat, a full work crew of gardeners and volunteers turned out to weed beds and aisles, re-cardboard and re-mulch the aisles in the back rows, and just generally spiff things up. Ray and Stephen led the bed and aisle cleanup, while Kat worked with others in the […]
Calling All Native Bees!
A beautiful Bee Condo for solitary, native bees has been mounted on two close-growing Chinaberry trees at the garden. The condo was donated by the teaching crew for Summer Science Tuesdays at Platou Center. A second condo was installed at Platou Center. Edith Smith built the basic frame, Taylor Livingston embellished and reinforced it, Hazel Potvin […]
An Open Letter From Bert and Diana Gonzalez
Dear WCG members, We are so glad we decided to join this growing (literally and figuratively) organization! We have found so many helpful, friendly, knowledgeable and generous Westbury residents through the 2 1/2 years we’ve been members. What a great discovery for us. It really does give both Bert and me a better sense of […]
Cucumber Beetles
This garden pest, the Spotted Cucumber Beetle, has been seen at Westbury Community Garden beginning in May. We also may see the smaller Striped Cucumber Beetle and Green Banded Cucumber Beetle. All three of these have small black heads. They are evasive and hard to catch/kill, as they fly off quickly. Their eggs are yellow, oval and […]