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Harris County Commissioner Proclaims Community Garden Appreciation Day

On March 22, at the Compassionate Houston Annual Fundraiser luncheon, Dr. Bob Randall, co-founder of Urban Harvest and his wife Nancy, were honored for lives dedicated to increasing food security in Houston. The program featured video interviews of Dr. Bob and several other community garden representatives, including WCG President, Debbie Gordon. Janna Roberson, Executive Director […]

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Fall Seeds Are Here!

The fall seed packs are ready to go! They are $18 per pack for WCG gardeners, $20 for non-WCG gardeners (friends, neighbors, whoever). There are 30 varieties of seeds in each pack, and there are 60 complete packs.  There are limited quantities of two specialty items available for purchase separately: kohlrabi for $1.50/pkt and golden beets […]

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Urban Harvest Annual Harvest Celebration

On November 13, WCG hosted Urban Harvest’s Annual Harvest Celebration. The luncheon and award ceremony celebrates all community gardens in the Urban Harvest network and awards gardeners from across the city for extraordinary community garden contributions. The Harvest Celebration featured box lunches from Local Foods, herbs, vegetable seedlings, and seed give-aways, garden tours, and door-prizes […]

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WCG 10th Anniversary Celebration Postponed

As a precautionary measure, Westbury Community Garden is postponing our March 28 10th Anniversary Celebration. Many city and state officials desire proactive steps to guard the health of our communities. WCG will post again, when a new date is scheduled in the fall. We look forward to seeing you on our new date.

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Event Postponed

As a precautionary measure, Westbury Community Garden is postponing our March 28 10th Anniversary Celebration. Many city and state officials desire proactive steps to guard the health of our communities. WCG will contact you again, when a new date is scheduled in the fall. We look forward to your participation on our new date. ===================================================================== […]

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WCG ByLaws Changes

At the WCG Annual Meeting, held December 2, 2019 at the Platou Community Center, changes to the bylaws were discussed, voted and approved. Prior to the meeting, the recommended changes had been presented to and approved by the Westbury Civic Club and the Westbury Area Improvement Corp. (WAIC), as required. The two changes are summarized […]

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Telescope Star Party

Come out to the Garden on Tuesday, Sep 10, 2019 from 8PM to 10PM to look through telescopes owned by members of the Houston Astronomical Society. We will have close up views of the Moon and planets Jupiter and Saturn. Depending upon the sky conditions we may see some distant objects beyond our solar system. […]

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Tomato Road T-Shirt Fundraiser

Westbury Community Garden will begin a capital campaign in 2018 to raise funds for infrastructure improvements at the garden (new roadways, parking areas and drainage). Help us get a jump start on fund-raising by ordering a “I support WCG” t-shirt for $25 at the link below. Place your pre-order from Nov. 15 – Dec. 5. […]

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Garden Open House and Tours

This will be the debut of our QR-code enabled signs project. We’ll have a sort of scavenger hunt game where folks look for the veggie ID signs and then scan the QR code with their phone or iPad to get to expanded info about the veggie, how to grow it, how to cook it, etc. […]

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