WASPS- Be on the lookout
Gardeners – take warning — at this time of year, you may find wasp nests in the foliage in your gardens. This can happen in any garden and especially if a garden has not been tended for a while. The wasps will be active during the day coming and going from the nest. In the […]
Weeds Be-gone
Weeding is not hard. It is easy and is an integral and necessary part of gardening. Make them your friends – they type of friends you want to never see again. How to Keep the Weeds Away 1. For the areas where Astroturf is not used and the areas where Astroturf will be removed, a […]
Transition from the Spring to the Summer Garden
Garden beds need to be mulched with leaves, alfalfa hay or pine needles by mid-March, or as quickly after that to keep weeds down and more importantly to retain moisture in the soil after watering. In early June, there are usually a few fall/winter crops that are hanging on for dear life, fighting disease […]
Planning the Fall Garden
With one or two garden beds, or even a large multi-bed garden, a little bit of planning can lead to bountiful harvests of veggies you prefer to eat. This is a guide to help gardeners decide what to grow and how much of it to grow. Planning Make a list of the fall veggies you […]
Harvesting Tomatoes, Peppers and Other Spring Vegetables
To avoid pests and diseases, we harvest tomatoes and peppers (both sweet and hot) at the first sign of blush (red, yellow, gold, purple, black). They are then put on our kitchen counter or other surface (not necessary to be in sunlight) to ripen. In this way, we prevent damage that would have happened between […]
Garden Produce Donations
In May and June our gardens are in luscious, full production mode. There may be more vegetables a family can eat, freeze, pickle, can, or dehydrate. What to do with all your extras? Many gardeners bestow their neighbors and friends with extra zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers. During May, 2020, groups of WCG gardeners pooled their […]
Lady Bugs
One of our most beneficial garden bugs are here at the Garden in increasing numbers. They are being attracted by Aphids and other soft body insects that are on our remaining winter and some early spring plants. I’ve left some Dill plants to seed in a growing bed, which also attracted Aphids, which attracted to […]
Michigan Tech Volunteers
A small crew of students from northern Michigan gave two mornings of volunteer work at the garden on March 9 and 11. They came down for the warm weather and learned about fire ants. They cleaned up sugar cane and trees in front of PIF and brush along the apartment boundary, installed a metal edging […]
WCG 10th Anniversary Celebration Postponed
As a precautionary measure, Westbury Community Garden is postponing our March 28 10th Anniversary Celebration. Many city and state officials desire proactive steps to guard the health of our communities. WCG will post again, when a new date is scheduled in the fall. We look forward to seeing you on our new date.
Work Day Feb 22, 2020
We had an energetic bunch of students from Sharpstown International School National Honor Society and several individuals who signed up for Community Service Day on Saturday, February 22. It was a beautiful, clear, cool morning and a very productive day of service! A group of students worked in compost production Area A with the Compost […]