Just a quick peek at what’s growing in our gardens…
Archive | Gardening
Orchard Maps
The two orchards at Westbury Community Garden include over 40 citrus, fig and other fruit trees. Have you wondered what varieties have been planted? Can you help fill in the details on the numbered trees on the maps? Mouse over each dot to see tree info. Front Orchard North 40
Ever wonder what to do with those huge radishes that seem to want to grow above the ground? Did you know you can cook them? I’ve tried steaming them and serving with salt, pepper, and butter–yummy! Sort of like a mild turnip. And they can be sliced thinly and sauteed with other fresh veggies for […]
What’s cooking? Turnips!
Root crops are one of the fall garden’s bounties. On a recent trip to the garden, I harvested about 3 lbs of turnips and had to do some recipe research to decide how to fix them. I not only had a big bowl of the roots, there was a sink-full of the nutritious greens. As a transplanted southerner, […]
Plan Your Fall Garden – Get Seeds Now
Seed packets are ready for purchase! Do you have yours yet? The seeds have been chosen by gardeners who have years of experience growing in the Houston climate. There are 40 varieties of vegetables in this year’s seed packet. The cost is $12. If purchased individually the seeds would cost over $100. In addition to […]
An Open Letter From Bert and Diana Gonzalez
Dear WCG members, We are so glad we decided to join this growing (literally and figuratively) organization! We have found so many helpful, friendly, knowledgeable and generous Westbury residents through the 2 1/2 years we’ve been members. What a great discovery for us. It really does give both Bert and me a better sense of […]
Cucumber Beetles
This garden pest, the Spotted Cucumber Beetle, has been seen at Westbury Community Garden beginning in May. We also may see the smaller Striped Cucumber Beetle and Green Banded Cucumber Beetle. All three of these have small black heads. They are evasive and hard to catch/kill, as they fly off quickly. Their eggs are yellow, oval and […]
Leaf-Footed Stink Bugs
If you still have tomatoes on your vines, they are likely being stung by the leaf footed stink bug, which makes them feel hard, have yellow tint, and taste terrible. I’m taking out my tomato plants today.
Squash Vine Borers
Have you seen this moth flitting around your squash plants? Look closely. It is has a greenish black top wing and transparent, black-veined bottom wing and is often confused with a wasp. It buzzes when it flies. Unlike most moths, it flies in the daytime. The Squash Vine Borer, Melitta curcurbitae, is a serious pest of vine […]
It’s July and fig trees are bearing lots of delicious figs. The yellow figs are Banana fig, and are ripe when they slightly change color to a deeper yellow, and when you touch the fig and it is tender, it is ready to pick. If you don’t pick it right away, it will ferment and be […]