Many Thanks To Our March Community Service Crew!
March 24 was our monthly Community Service Day. Our volunteer groups included PAIR Houston High School, Windsor Village Girl Scouts and UPS Stafford. Several WCG members worked on their community service requirement as well. It was a beautiful day to work outdoors. Thanks to all who participated!
Memorial High School MOB help Tree Farm
The ever busy Memorial High School MOB came to help with tree jobs, their specialty. This fine group of Freshmen helped repot trees at our tree farm to give them a better chance of maturity. Thank you, MMOB.
Mormon Missionaries at the Pocket Prairie
On Saturday, Feb. 24, 2018 the Westbury Pocket Prairie got a big boost to its development when a planting team of Mormon Missionaries, college students spending a year off to do community service and evangelization, met up to plant a large collection of plants they had dug the day before. These plants came to […]
Emery Weiner School at the Pocket Prairie
Nine 8th graders from Emery Weiner School and their Dean came to work on the Westbury Pocket Prairie on February 1, 2018. The students planted native grasses dug from the Kolter School Prairie. Ahlene Shong was instrumental in sharing her prairie plants with us. They included switch grass, big blue stem and little blue […]
Sharpstown High School National Honor Society
On a dreary overcast day, Sharpstown National Honor Society volunteers deserve a gold star for their repeat performance of helping Westbury Community Garden once again to get some much needed tasks done. Other volunteers from Meyerland Animal Hospital, an individual who found us through Volunteer Houston and some WCG gardeners helped make our January Service Day […]
Nocturnal Pollinators and Lights at Night
(Editor’s note: These are excerpts from an article in an astronomy related magazine. See full story link below.) Astronomers are well aware of the adverse effects of light pollution. Less well known, though being increasingly studied, are the possible adverse ecological effects of nighttime lighting on flora and fauna. A case in point is the […]
Urban Harvest’s Autumn Harvest Celebration Hosted at WCG
On November 11, Urban Harvest held their annual Autumn Harvest Celebration on the WCG grounds. It was a time for community gardens across Houston to come together to share a meal and enjoy each other’s company. Urban Harvest Community Gardens Coordinator, Dawn Newcomer, spoke about Urban Harvest’s mission and goals reached through the year. Did you […]
Tomato Road T-Shirt Fundraiser
Westbury Community Garden will begin a capital campaign in 2018 to raise funds for infrastructure improvements at the garden (new roadways, parking areas and drainage). Help us get a jump start on fund-raising by ordering a “I support WCG” t-shirt for $25 at the link below. Place your pre-order from Nov. 15 – Dec. 5. […]
Donate Your Excess Produce To ECHOS
We all hate to see beautiful, healthy, organic produce go to waste! There are thousands of children and hundreds of families who could benefit from but can’t afford the nutrition that rots in our gardens. Here’s an idea about how to address the issue: The Epiphany Church Health Outreach Services (ECHOS) runs a food pantry. They are […]
Watch For Hawaiian Beet Webworm
Retired Texas A&M professor and advisor to Plant-It-Forward-Farms, Joe Novak, alerted us to an infestation of garden plantings of the Hawaiian Beet Webworm moth larvae. This pest has also sadly begun attacking the new beet seedlings in adjacent plots. The Hawaiian Beet Webworm will attack Beets, Chard and Spinach plants. It devastated PIFF crops last year. Joe suggests that plants in the […]