Beginning May 24, a farm stand operated by the Plant It Forward farmers will be open for business every weekend at the Westbury Community Garden pavilion. Fresh, organic produce is for sale every Saturday and Sunday.
The pavilion is also the place to pick up your Farm Share, if you are a participant in the Plant It Forward Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Each week for 16 or 32 weeks, Farm Share participants get a big bag of produce. Learn more about about PIF Farm Shares at the website.

Locally-sourced, organic food, right here in Westbury. This is as fresh as it gets!
PIF Farm Stand
Hours of Operation
Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM
Sunday 10 AM to 6 PM
Plant It Forward
Plant It Forward offers economically disadvantaged refugees an opportunity to become self-sufficient through growing, harvesting and selling produce from a sustainable urban farm within the city of Houston. Each farm will have the potential to generate a fair wage for a family of four while providing premium brand sustainably-grown produce to Houstonians. Plant It Forward secures land, selects, trains, and mentors farmers and establishes each on their own urban farm to sell under the Plant It Forward brand.
For more information, go to or watch the YouTube video.