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Archive | 2014

WCG Composting Programs

Composting is a simple way to add nutrient-rich humus which fuels plant growth and restores vitality to soils. It is also good for the environment and reduces landfill waste. Presently, we have the “Tree Leaf” compost program located near the storage buildings. Candice and her committee will take your leaves that you bring from home […]

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Weeding and Disposal

Weekly weeding of your garden and the surrounding aisles are essential. No weed killers/ herbicides are used in WCG. Learn to know weeds and how they grow which enables you to remove them effectively. Once a weed flowers, it produces seeds which quickly become more weeds.  Therefore, pull out even small weeds. Acquire a good […]

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Help Us Grow

Are you passionate about local organic produce, battling food deserts, maintaining urban greenspace, teaching sustainability and caring for the planet?  Consider an endowment, grant, or donation to our operating budget. Learn more about our development plans and how your donation can help.

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Westbury Community Garden offers a unique outdoor classroom experience for students of all ages. Contact our Community Outreach coordinator to arrange a date for your school, church or scout group. As an Urban Harvest affiliate, we also offer on site classes for adults. Learn more about opportunities for your group.

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Many hands make light work! It’s fun to get outside and do a little physical work, especially in the company of our enthusiastic members.  Westbury Community Garden involves a wider community than just our gardeners. Wouldn’t your group like to join us in making Westbury and Houston a better place to live?

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Join WCG!

Do you prefer organic produce? Why not grow your own? Westbury Community Garden has 62 raised allotment gardens that are leased by individuals and groups – And there is plenty of sunshine to go around. Your garden plot may be waiting for you. Read more about joining Westbury Community Garden.

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Cover Crops

There are many places online (and in books) where you can read about crop rotation in depth, the whys and wherefores. One thing to note is that the bean family can be used as a cover crop anywhere in the rotation when wanted or needed. SUMMER: southern peas in the summer are a very effective […]

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Tomato Preferences

Since we have a lot of new gardeners, I thought it would be helpful to recirculate this information I sent last spring to those of you that are having trouble deciding what tomatoes to plant. Heirloom vs. Hybrid There are two types of tomatoes available at nurseries. Most agree that the heirloom varieties taste better […]

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