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Freeze Protection For Citrus Trees

The experience at Westbury Community Garden and at Ray Sher and Gary Edmondson’s yard.

Our method for protecting the citrus trees in the February 2021 freeze had minimal success. That year we piled leaves against the citrus tree trunks surrounding a 5-gallon bucket of water and wrapped the whole thing with a blanket. Most trees died. A new approach was taken this month for citrus trees that were less than six feet tall.

1. A 5-gallon bucket of water was placed next to the trunk but not touching the trunk.

2. A thick layer of leaves was then pushed against the trunk to about two feet high.

3. A wire mesh cage was placed around the tree (we used concrete remesh). A t-post was driven into the ground to anchor the wire cage.

4. The cage was stuffed with leaves, totally encasing the tree. All limbs and leaves were encased as well as the top of the tree. The leaves were pressed tight so that no wind could reach the tree.

5. A frost cloth was then wrapped around the cage and over the top and tied tight with twine.

6. A heavy stone was placed on top, holding down the frost cloth.

7. Bricks were placed around the base to prevent wind from blowing in underneath the frost cloth.

When the freeze was over, the protection was removed, and all trees were in excellent condition. SUCCESS!

Pine needles and leaves were mounded at the base of each tree with a 5 gallon bucket of water and wire cage.
Wire cage packed with leaves
Heavy frost cloth wrapped, tied, and weighted down.
All wrapped up!
The orchard crew.
Unwrapping after two days of sub-freezing weather reveals healthy leaves.

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