Is your group looking for a community service project? WCG works along side church groups, neighbors, scouts and school groups in various gardening, building and maintenance projects.
Westbury Community Garden has regular, monthly work days scheduled from 7am-11am April thru September and 8am-noon October thru March on the 4th Saturday each month. Check our event calendar and join us!
WCG Gardeners – Work Days are opportunities for you to fulfill your annual volunteer requirement in good company!
Individuals – Come on out and join in! No need to make special arrangements.
Community Service Groups – Contact our Volunteer Coordinator to set up a day and time that works for your group or join us on the 4th Saturday.

The Butterfly Garden gets some TLC.
Recent Volunteers at the Garden include
- Students: YES Prep, St. Agnes, George Ranch HS, Houston Community College, Wharton Community College at Sugarland, Texas Women’s School of Nursing, Post Oak Montessori, Westbury High School, Patrick Henry Middle School, University of Houston
- Alumni and Business Groups: Greek Picnic, St Mary’s University San Antonio, Zeta Phi Beta, Aire Liquide, Hilton Houston Southwest, Jewston Texas
- Churches: Riceville Mt. Olive Baptist, Westbury United Methodist, Westbury Baptist, Salem Evangelical Lutheran, Windsor Village United Methodist Girl Scouts
- Civic: Westbury Civic Club, RotarACT (Rotary Club), CM Larry Green, CM Jack Christie, Westbury Area Improvement Corporation
Volunteers over age 18 should bring the signed Volunteer Release Form with them when they come to the garden for work day events. Minors must have the form signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Many hands make light work.
— John Heywood

Many volunteers turned out on Keep Houston Beautiful Day 2013 to help mulch the aisles between the beds.

Council Member Larry Green pitches in on Keep Houston Beautiful Day.