What fun we had tasting all 45 types of tomatoes that the Westbury Community Garden’s 7th Annual Tomato Tasting on June 3.
The winners by show of hand votes in the four categories of tomatoes were as follows:
Favorite Cherry Tomato

Golden Gem
Size: 0.5-0.75”
Shape: Round
Color: Gold
Maturity: 65 days / early
Stunning golden color and a sugar content of 10% are what make this hybrid from China outstanding. Small cherry tomatoes are round to globe-shaped and crack-resistant. Tall plants are capable of producing enormous harvests with up to 50 fruit per cluster. These tomatoes have a very special taste that is sweet, yet rich and fruity. My experience: First to fruit (April 14), abundant production (more than any other tomato), excellent sweet taste. Needs much more space (6’ diameter would be great). It overran 6’ cage very early. Grow multiples of these.
Favorite Saladette
Two tomatoes tied for favorite saladette — Jaune Flamme and Verona. Both have outstanding flavor!

Jaune Flamme
Open pollinated
Size: 3 oz
Shape: Round
Color: Gold-orange
Maturity: 70-80 days / mid-late
This beautiful and especially flavorful heirloom comes to us from Norbert Perreira of Helliner, France. A perfect, fruity blend of sweet and tart, Jaune Flamme (or Yellow Flame in French) excels, whether dried or roasted, the slices retaining their deep orange color.

Size: 2 1/2 oz
Shape: Plum shaped
Color: Red
Maturity: 65-70 days / early
Similar to Juliet, but with even tastier, somewhat plumper, deep red “cocktail plum” fruits averaging 2 1/2 oz. Long clusters on a medium vigorous vine. High resistance to Fusarium wilt races 1, 2 and Verticillium wilt; and intermediate resistance to early blight. Indeterminate. 69 days. My experience: Excellent production, meaty, good taste. Grow again.
Favorite Plum/Paste Tomato

Amish Gold
Size: 1.5 –2”
Shape: Oblong with pointed end
Color: Gold
Maturity: 80 days / late
Cross between Amish Paste and Sungold. Indeterminate. Yields huge crops of 1 ½”-2” long, oblong shaped, gorgeous golden fruit with sharply-pointed ends. Fruit has the gold color and flavor of Sungold, the meatiness of Amish Paste and delicious sweet/tart flavor. 80 days. My experience: The fruit is great tasting, good texture, meaty, sweet. Will grow again.
Favorite Slicer

Open pollinated
Size: 2.5—3.5”
Shape: Round
Color: Dark Yellow
Maturity: 65-80 days / mid
This meaty, golden tomato is a chef’s favorite! Perfect for slicing, dicing, and sauces, Jubilee has thick flesh, few seeds. and big tomato flavor. Disease-resistant and a prolific producer.