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Recovering From The Freeze

It is possible to recover many vegetables after this freeze.  Do not be too hasty in pulling out plants because they do not look healthy.

Begin by removing the completely dead portion of a plant, especially those that look mushy.  Do not pull out the roots! Sometimes parts of the plant in the soil can recover given some time.  During the last freeze 2 years ago, many of my Swiss Chard looked like mush, but after cleaning off the dead portions of the plant we were able to find a root system that was still alive. Be patient, it takes some time to recover.

Some of your plants may have many leaves that look damaged. Remove the leaves that look the worst and allow some leaves to remain as the plant begins to replace the damaged foliage with fresh leaves.

You may find that all of the plants may not recover, but there is still time to replant some of them, like bok choy and radishes that get ready quickly.

Before and after photos are shown here from cleaning out the garden.

Freeze-damaged broccoli.
Broccoli after pruning.
Freeze-damaged Swiss chard.
Viable chard after clean up.

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