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Plant Sale Fundraisers at Bayou City Community Market

Westbury Community Garden held its first Plant Sale Fundraiser just in time for cool season planting on October 12.

The sale was part of Bayou City Community Market located in the parking lot of Westbury Baptist Church, 10425 Hillcroft, near the corner of Willowbend Blvd. The market is held on the second and fourth Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

The garden will repeat the sale with additional plant offerings on October 26.

The WCG Plant Sale included many fall/winter vegetable seedling favorites like kale, collard greens, mustards, purple-top turnips, cabbage, bok-choy and some herbs. In two weeks there will be lettuce, more herbs, cabbage, and kale varieties, plus cool season flowers like dianthus, pansies, sweet alyssum, and more.

Both sale dates featured a great selection of native plants donated by some WCG native plant enthusiasts. Some were small transplants; others were large, beautiful, established plants. WCG was very happy to see our neighbors are just as eager to landscape with native plants as they are to plant vegetable crops at home. The native plant movement is thriving!

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