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Make A Sunflower Maze Reservation

UPDATE: The Magical Sunflower Maze at Westbury Community Garden is closed for the season. Mother Nature brought an abrupt end to the project when Tropical Storm Nicholas flattened the sunflower field. September 18 and 25 Bouquet Days are also canceled. WCG is already planning improvements for the sunflower field and will bring the maze back […]

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SeedMoney Challenge Matching Grant Fundraiser

Thanks so much to all of our supporters for helping us reach our initial funding goal within the first week of the 30 day #SeedMoney Challenge! You inspired us to think even bigger about what we can accomplish next year and we set a new “stretch goal” of $7,500. We didn’t quite make the stretch […]

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Garden Produce Donations

In May and June our gardens are in luscious, full production mode. There may be more vegetables a family can eat, freeze, pickle, can, or dehydrate. What to do with all your extras? Many gardeners bestow their neighbors and friends with extra zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers. During May, 2020, groups of WCG gardeners pooled their […]

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WCG 10th Anniversary Celebration Postponed

As a precautionary measure, Westbury Community Garden is postponing our March 28 10th Anniversary Celebration. Many city and state officials desire proactive steps to guard the health of our communities. WCG will post again, when a new date is scheduled in the fall. We look forward to seeing you on our new date.

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WCG Apiary Fundraiser

We hear a lot about the decline of bee populations due to pesticide use and other factors. Westbury Community Garden has plans to add an apiary, or honey bee habitat, to the garden’s 7-acre property to support these valuable pollinators. Our apiary plans include fencing to enclose the apiary area several Langstroth bee hive boxes […]

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Harvest Your Winter Crops!

Some timely advice from our experienced gardeners — Don’t let your winter crops bolt! Seriously! Harvest your crops while it’s cool and the plants are in good condition. Vegetables planted in September and October are ready to harvest now. If you neglect to harvest at the peak time, you may notice Animals start to gnaw […]

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Event Postponed

As a precautionary measure, Westbury Community Garden is postponing our March 28 10th Anniversary Celebration. Many city and state officials desire proactive steps to guard the health of our communities. WCG will contact you again, when a new date is scheduled in the fall. We look forward to your participation on our new date. ===================================================================== […]

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WCG ByLaws Changes

At the WCG Annual Meeting, held December 2, 2019 at the Platou Community Center, changes to the bylaws were discussed, voted and approved. Prior to the meeting, the recommended changes had been presented to and approved by the Westbury Civic Club and the Westbury Area Improvement Corp. (WAIC), as required. The two changes are summarized […]

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2019 Tomato Tasting Winners

The Westbury Community Garden 6th Annual Tomato Tasting on June 1, 2019, was record-setting in many ways. Most attendance Most volunteers Most fish bowl prize donations Most funds raised And most importantly Most tomatoes (34 different varieties!) The crowd favorites in three tomato categories were Cherry tomatoes 1st place – tie – Apero and Matt’s […]

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WCG Receives Prestigious Keep Houston Beautiful / Mayor’s Proud Partner Certificate

On November 13, some of Westbury Community Garden members attended the Keep Houston Beautiful award program at The Hilton Americas. The garden received a Certificate of Recognition for the VegOut! Westbury program held each March for National Nutrition Month at the garden pavilion. VegOut! Westbury is a nutrition education event and celebration of growing, cooking […]

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