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WCG at Willow Waterhole MusicFEST

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Date(s) - 10/28/2023
11:00 am - 7:00 pm

Willow Waterhole Greenway


Westbury Community Garden will have a community outreach educational booth at the Willow Waterhole MusicFEST on Saturday, October 28.

Come and visit our booth where garden members dressed as frogs and other characters will relay information about the importance of wetland ecosystems. We’ll have some bullfrog tadpoles at various stages of development safely on display in portable habitats. Kids will be able to make little booklets to illustrate the frog life cycle or other topics. They will have lifecycle word games and pages to color.

Adults will learn what they can do at home to conserve water and restore a small wetland habitat for water-loving plants and wildlife in their own yards in the form of a rain garden. They’ll  also get info about rainwater harvesting and how something as simple as planting a shade tree can mitigate flooding by soaking up water and keeping it on the property.

As usual, the garden will provide membership info, accept donations, and give thank you gifts to supporters.

All this and food trucks, beverages and some of the best music you could hope to hear all in one day.

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