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Archive | Native Plants

Milkweed and the Magnificent MONARCH!

Have you ever met a garden guest so fabulous, so world-traveling, so gorgeously dressed that they put every flower to shame?  Well, allow me to introduce you to the Monarch butterfly! These fluttering  beauties are more than just a pretty face! They are true globetrotters, undertaking a jaw-dropping migration of up to 3,000 miles every year. And […]

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Westbury Neighborhood Bioswale Planting Project

On Friday, September 27, a group of volunteers from Westbury met the Houston Wilderness staff at an empty lot on Cartagena Street. The lot was purchased by the city after Hurricane Harvey and had already been excavated to produce a shallow ditch to drain stormwater from the street into the Willow Waterhole Bayou. Houston Wilderness […]

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