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Planting Fall Vegetables

Saturday afternoon members of the Education Committee presented a comprehensive overview of vegetables that do well in the Houston climate in the fall / winter season. On Saturday, September 23, at 9:00 AM, there is a hands-on class at the garden as a follow up. If you missed the class, you may review the slide […]

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Spring and Summer Vegetable Gardening

This seasonal class offers many tips and techniques to insure successful spring and summer vegetable production specifically for our Houston climate. Timing is everything! You don’t want to miss this important class! For those who need to look back at the information presented, the instructors have offered the presentation material here. The March 4th class […]

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Hot Weather Vegetables For Houston

The goal: plants that can thrive and produce in the heat without constant attention. Urban Harvest guides Spring planting (PDF) Summer planting Best choices Sweet potatoes When: May, when it’s warm but not blazing. How: Mound up the soil in the center your bed into a nice tall ridge. Plant rooted “slips” 12 […]

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